Page 98 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 98


            Blue route to Lisbon

            25 high-level participants took part in a working breakfast whose purpose
            was to prepare for the upcoming United Nations Ocean Conference and

            prioritise ocean issues.

            What priorities should be defined for the United Na-  DEFINING AN IMPROVED
            tions Ocean Conference which is being held in Lisbon   FRAMEWORK
            from  27  June  to  1  July  2022?  This  new  chapter  in
            global action for the ocean is opening under the aus-  Among the priorities of the conference, the participants
            pices of innovative science-backed actions, pursuant   stressed the need to allocate more funds to SDG 14.
            to Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14). The   However, more than the shortage of funding, what
            extension of marine protected areas, the withdrawal   came to the fore was the lack of agreements and tan-
            of subsidies harmful to fisheries and the fight against   gible projects able to receive funding.
            climate  change  and  ocean  acidification  are  the  key
            topics being addressed in the course of a series of   Moreover, consensus was reached on the need to
            multilateral preparatory meetings prior to the Lisbon   make the United Nations Conference more compliant
            event. An important milestone in the Decade of action   and voluntary commitments more responsible, by
            to reach the United Nations Sustainable Development   means of appropriate assessment and monitoring, in-
            Goals.                                       cluding the assessment of progress. The participants
                                                         stressed the need to guarantee a contribution from
            Organised by the Oceano Azul Foundation, the Mona-  stakeholders and citizens to the Declaration of Lisbon.
            co round table, which took place in the morning of 22   Developing a clear roadmap for the restoration of the
            March within the stimulating context of Monaco Ocean   main marine ecosystems was also discussed.
            Week, brought together 25 representatives of institu-
            tional partners, as well as scientists and civil society
            players to elicit opinions and contributions. In the Turtle
            Conference Room at the Oceanographic Museum, Ri-  IN
            cardo Serrão Santos, Minister of Foreign Affairs ope-  FIGURES
            ned the session with a recap of all the challenges to
            be addressed in view of the calendar of international
            ocean negotiations.                          TOWARDS MORE SUSTAINABLE

                                                            ■  170 billion / year would be
                                                            necessary to reach the targets
                                                            of SDG14,

                                                            ■  2,7% of the marine environment is
                                                            under high protection in 2022, still
                                                            far from the 30% target for 2030.
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