Page 88 - Livre_MOW2022_EN
P. 88


                                                                               Susana Sousa Gonçalves
                                                                               Head of Civil Protection Department
                                                                               from the City of Matosinhos (Portugal)

                                   How does the city of Matosinhos stand in this   Has this network changed your city’s relationship
                                   network, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Cli-  with the ocean?
                                   mate and Energy?                            The ocean is an integral part of Matosinhos’s DNA. We
                                   Matosinhos  joined  this  network  in  2017.  Our  city  is   live on the edge of the ocean and wouldn’t know how
                                   extremely committed to the resilience pathway and   to live far from it! Working with cities that also have a
                                   to natural risk mitigation. Moreover, it has reached an   very strong connection with the ocean has been fan-
                                   extremely high level on this United Nations platform of   tastic because we feel much less isolated and have the
                                   resilient cities, where many cities encountering coas-  opportunity to grow and to learn from all these different
                                   tal risks can connect. Since 2017, the year we joined   approaches to address changes related to rising sea
                                   this programme, we have been sharing our experience   levels.
                                   with other cities that sometimes face the same pro-
                                   blems as ours and which become partners.    What are your highest expectations, for this year
                                                                               for example?
                                   Do the other cities in the network inspire you?  This is going to be an extremely intense year. We have
                                   Without this network it would be impossible to acquire   just  emerged  from  a  two-year  global  health  crisis
                                   different risk approaches, different solutions in terms of   which has led to an economic crisis, and we cannot
                                   resilience. The cities in the network have been a source   ignore that. On top of that there is the war in Ukraine.
                                   of  great  inspiration  in  raising  public risk  awareness.   Our expectations need to be revised upwards because
                                   Because our main goal is to keep our population safe   we are entering difficult times. And at critical times, re-
                                   from risk and be capable of taking action to prevent risk   silience is more important than ever before, it can really
                                   and protect them from danger. This is a crucial point   make a difference to people’s lives. Consequently we
                                   and an area where we have learnt a great deal from   are extremely committed to improving our capacity for
                                   other cities, we have been inspired by the great diver-  resilience over the next year.
                                   sity of approaches. We have improved our messages
                                   and the way in which we address the population.   “If we want to become more

                                   With  this  type  of  network,  coastal  communities  can   resilient, we need to start by
                                   also  take  part  in  the  programmes  implemented  by   working on cities.”
                                   other communities, and even find funding, which is
                                   essential in the resilience approach, particularly in the
                                   technological field.
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