Our partners

For HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, sustainable sea, ocean and marine-resource management is a priority for Monaco on a national and international political level. The Prince’s Government works continuously for this cause and is fully committed to the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
It is for this reason that the Government is actively supporting the “Monaco Ocean Week” events in cooperation with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and all Principality of Monaco actors.

HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco decided in June 2006 to create His Foundation in response to the worrying threats to our planet’s environment. For the past 15 years, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation has been leading actions in three main geographical areas: the Mediterranean Basin, the Polar Regions and the Least Developed Countries (according to the United Nations list) in order to limit the effects of climate change and promote renewable energies, preserve biodiversity, manage water resources and combat desertification. Active at the international level, the Foundation mobilizes citizens, political leaders, scientists and economic players in the protection of nature, the common heritage of humanity.

The oceanographic Institute is committed to enhance the knowledge of the richness and fragility of the oceans, promoting their sustainable management and rational and efficient protection.
To achieve this, the Institute ensures the mediation between scientific and socio-economic actors on one hand, and the public and political decision-makers on the other. The oceanographic Institute rolls out its mission of “Knowing, loving and protecting the oceans” through Prince Albert I’s exceptional legacy and the exemplary commitment of its founder, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco.

The Scientific Centre of Monaco (CSM) is a Monegasque autonomous governmental organisation which was founded in 1960 at the behest of Prince Rainier III. The CSM’s objectives are to provide the Principality of Monaco with the means of carrying out scientific research and to support governmental and international organisations responsible for the protection and conservation of marine life. The CSM inaugurated its new premises on the Quai Antoine Ier in 2013 and enjoys an extensive international scope with over 50 employees from 15 countries (including Europe, the US, Japan, Australia New Zealand, Palau, Brazil, the Caribbean, Canada, Oman and Saudi Arabia, etc.).

The Monaco Yacht Club (YCM) was founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and has been presided by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco since 1984. The Club has 1200 members of 60 nationalities and harbours the world’s most prestigious private yachts. The YCM is highly revered in the international yachting and sailing scene.

The Town Hall is the oldest Monegasque institution with more than 650 people working in 19 municipal services, in various fields of expertise including Environment and Sustainable Development. Careful and respectful of its environment, in accordance with the orientations desired by HSH Prince Albert II, the Monaco Town Hall has, for a number of years, been committed to an approach in favor of the preservation of the environment; a commitment which leads through concrete and sustainable actions in the Principality.

Monaco Explorations
Monaco Explorations Society is a platform serving the commitment of H.S.H. Prince Albert II’s in terms of knowledge, sustainable management and protection of the Ocean.
Created at the initiative of the Government of the Principality of Monaco, it brings together the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Oceanographic Institute, the Monaco Scientific Centre and the Yacht Club of Monaco. It supports the actions of these institutions and involves external partners through collective missions conducted internationally, combining scientific research, outreach and governmental cooperation.

Monaco’s first sports bar and family restaurant STARS’N’BARS (founded by Kate and Didier in 1993) have made environmental awareness, well-being and personal development a priority, while offering a diverse menu based on homemade, organic and locally sourced dishes.
STARS’N’BARS is a vital player in the sustainable development of the Principality, and plays an active role in events such as the Monaco Ocean Week, the Ever Salon, The Africa Eco Race, The E-Prix, to name a few.

The Pelagos Sanctuary is a marine area of 87,500km2 and is subject to an agreement between Italy, Monaco and France for the protection of the marine mammals which live in it. The Pelagos Sanctuary is unique as it is a site managed by three different authorities and includes coastal areas and international waters that form a large ecosystem of major scientific, socio-economic, cultural and educational interest.

The ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area) is a cooperative tool for the conservation of marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Its main purpose is to reduce threats to cetaceans in Mediterranean and Black Sea waters and to improve our knowledge of these animals. ACCOBAMS is the first Agreement which binds the countries in these two subregions; thus enabling them to work together on a matter of general interest.

The RAMOGE zone includes the maritime zones of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, the Principality of Monaco and the Liguria region. The three zones combine to create a pilot marine prevention and anti-marine pollution zone. The RAMOGE Agreement is an instrument for scientific, technical, legal and administrative cooperation between French, Monegasque and Italian governments through which the latter implement integrated coastal management actions.

International Atomic Energy Agency – Marine Environment Laboratories
The IAEA Marine Environment Laboratories, located in Monaco, work with Member States to develop science-based strategies for the sustainable management of marine resources. Together, they apply nuclear and isotopic science to understand and mitigate the environmental impacts of radionuclides, trace metals and organic contaminants (PCBs, hydrocarbons), as well as to study climate change impacts, habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. This includes for example measuring and monitoring contaminants in the oceans, such as mercury, or plastics, as well as biotoxins associated with harmful algal blooms, and studying how these are transferred to marine animals. The IAEA, through its Technical Cooperation programme, supports projects across the world to share expertise and develop capacity within Member States to apply nuclear techniques to help protect people and the environment as well as contribute to sustainable development and trade. The IAEA provides technical assistance with partners such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.

The CIESM was created in 1910 to support multilateral research in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The Commission is a unique forum for scientific exchange and communication where thousands of researchers work together using the latest technologies and approaches to understand, monitor and protect a highly exposed sea. The Commission is therefore able to defend the Basin’s priorities in terms of marine and environmental research with absolute impartiality and with the political support of its 23 Member States.

The International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) is an intergovernmental organisation whose mission is to ensure that all seas, oceans and navigable waters are surveyed and charted via coordinated, national hydrographic services. The IHO has been headquartered in Monaco since its creation in 1921 and currently has 93 Member States across the globe.

The Institute of Economic Law of the Sea was created in 1985 as a licensed association according to Monegasque law and is under the high patronage of H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco. The Institute’s primary aim is to carry out studies and research for the legal, economic, social and environmental issues which are generated by the use of maritime and marine areas.

Beyond Plastic Med
More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in the sea every year. The Beyond Plastic Med initiative was launched on 10 March 2015 during an international conference in Monaco. The aim of the initiative is to support innovative, community-orientated initiatives and to become involved in political, legislative and regulatory decisions which aim to stop plastic pollution.

The AMAO (Monaco Ocean Acidification Association) was created by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. AMAO’s goal is to communicate about, encourage and facilitate international ocean acidification actions and other global marine environment stress factors.

The MedFund
The Association of Sustainable Financing of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean aims to mobilise public and private actors to promote Marine Protected Area sustainable development and management by creating a sustainable financing tool.
The trust fund is a joint initiative which was created in October 2013 by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and the French and Tunisian governments during the high-level IMPAC3 (International Marine Protected Areas Congress) session in Ajaccio.
Gouvernement Princier
S.A.S. le Prince Souverain a fait de la gestion durable des mers, des océans et de leurs ressources un domaine prioritaire de la politique nationale et internationale de Monaco. Le Gouvernement Princier œuvre sans relâche dans ce sens et notamment dans le cadre de l’Agenda 2030 des Objectifs de Développement Durable (ODD), adopté par l’Organisation des Nations Unies.
C’est ainsi que le Gouvernement se mobilise aujourd’hui pour les manifestations de la « Monaco Ocean Week » portée par la Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco et à laquelle participent l’ensemble des acteurs de la Principauté.
Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco
En juin 2006, S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco décide de créer Sa Fondation afin de répondre aux menaces préoccupantes qui pèsent sur l’environnement de notre planète. La Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco œuvre pour la protection de l’environnement et la promotion du développement durable à l’échelle mondiale. La Fondation soutient les initiatives d’organisations publiques et privées dans les domaines de la recherche, de l’innovation technologique et des pratiques conscientes des enjeux sociaux.
Institut océanographique de Monaco
L’Institut océanographique s’attache à mieux faire connaître la richesse et la fragilité des océans, et à promouvoir une gestion durable et une protection raisonnée et efficace de ces derniers.
Pour ce faire, il assure la médiation entre les acteurs scientifiques et socio-économiques d’une part, et le grand public et les décideurs politiques d’autre part. Il décline cette mission en mettant en valeur l’héritage exceptionnel du Prince Albert Ier et l’engagement exemplaire de S.A.S. le Prince Albert II de Monaco pour : « Faire connaître, aimer et protéger les océans ».
Centre Scientifique de Monaco
Le Centre Scientifique de Monaco (C.S.M.) est un organisme public autonome monégasque créé en 1960 à l’initiative du Prince Rainier III. Son ambition : doter la Principauté de Monaco des moyens de mener des recherches scientifiques et de soutenir l’action des organisations gouvernementales et internationales chargées de protéger et conserver la vie marine. Le Centre possède une large attractivité internationale avec plus de 50 collaborateurs venus depuis 2013, date d’installation du C.S.M. dans ses nouveaux locaux du Quai Antoine Ier, de 15 pays (dont Europe, USA, Japon, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Palau, Brésil, Caraïbes, Canada, Oman, Arabie Saoudite…).
Yacht Club de Monaco
Fondé en 1953 par le Prince Rainier et présidé depuis 1984 par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain Albert II, le Yacht Club de Monaco réunit 1200 membres, de 60 nationalités. Regroupant les plus prestigieux yachts privés au monde sous son giron, le Y.C.M. occupe désormais une place unique dans le monde du Yachting et de la grande plaisance internationale.
Mairie de Monaco
La Mairie est la plus ancienne Institution monégasque avec plus de 650 personnes travaillant au sein de 19 services municipaux, dans des domaines de compétences divers dont l’Environnement et le Développement Durable. Soucieuse et respectueuse de son environnement, conformément aux orientations souhaitées par S.A.S. le Prince Albert II, la Mairie de Monaco s’est en effet engagée depuis de nombreuses années dans une démarche en faveur de la préservation de l’environnement ; un engagement qui se traduit au travers d’actions concrètes et durables menées en Principauté.
Monaco Explorations
Créée à l’initiative du Gouvernement de la Principauté de Monaco, elle associe la Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco, l’Institut océanographique – Fondation Albert Ier, Prince de Monaco, le Centre Scientifique de Monaco et le Yacht Club de Monaco. Elle vient en appui des actions de ces institutions et mobilise des partenaires extérieurs à la Principauté par des missions collectives menées à l’international qui articulent recherche scientifique, médiation auprès des publics et coopération gouvernementale.
Premier Sports Bar et restaurant familial de Monaco depuis 1993, le STARS’N’BARS, fondé par Kate et Didier, a décidé de faire de sa priorité la sensibilisation à l’environnement, le bien-être et le développement personnel tout en continuant à proposer un menu varié à base de plats faits maison et bio.
Le STARS’N’BARS est devenu un acteur incontournable du développement durable en Principauté, et participe activement aux évènements comme La Monaco Ocean Week, Le Salon Ever, L’Eco Race…
Le Sanctuaire Pelagos est une zone marine de 87.500 km2 soumise à un accord entre l’Italie, Monaco et la France pour la protection de ses mammifères marins. Ce qui rend le Sanctuaire Pelagos unique est le fait qu’il s’agit d’un site géré par trois autorités différentes et qui comprend des zones côtières et des eaux internationales qui forment un vaste écosystème d’intérêt scientifique, socio-économique, culturel et éducatif majeur.
ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contigous Atlantic Area) est un outil de coopération œuvrant à la conservation de la biodiversité marine en Méditerranée et en Mer Noire. Son principal objectif est de réduire les menaces pesant sur les cétacés dans cette zone géographique et d’améliorer nos connaissances sur ces animaux. ACCOBAMS est le premier accord liant les pays de ces deux sous-régions et leur permettant de collaborer ensemble sur une question d’intérêt général.
La zone RAMOGE comprend les zones maritimes de la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, de la Principauté de Monaco et de la Région Ligurie formant ainsi une zone pilote de prévention et de lutte contre la pollution du milieu marin. L’Accord RAMOGE représente un instrument de coopération scientifique, technique, juridique et administrative permettant aux gouvernements Français, Monégasque et Italien de mener des actions pour une gestion intégrée du littoral.
The CIESM was created in 1910 to support multilateral research in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. The Commission is a unique forum for scientific exchange and communication where thousands of researchers work together using the latest technologies and approaches to understand, monitor and protect a highly exposed sea. The Commission is therefore able to defend the Basin’s priorities in terms of marine and environmental research with absolute impartiality and with the political support of its 23 Member States.
The International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO) is an intergovernmental organisation whose mission is to ensure that all seas, oceans and navigable waters are surveyed and charted via coordinated, national hydrographic services. The IHO has been headquartered in Monaco since its creation in 1921 and currently has 93 Member States across the globe.
The Institute of Economic Law of the Sea was created in 1985 as a licensed association according to Monegasque law and is under the high patronage of H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco. The Institute’s primary aim is to carry out studies and research for the legal, economic, social and environmental issues which are generated by the use of maritime and marine areas.
The IAEA Environment Laboratories, located in Monaco and Seibersdorf, Austria, work with Member States to develop science-based strategies for the sustainable management of terrestrial, marine and atmospheric resources. Together, they apply nuclear and isotopic science to understand and mitigate the environmental impacts of radionuclides, trace metals and organic contaminants (PCBs, hydrocarbons), as well as to study climate change impacts, habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. This includes for example measuring and monitoring contaminants in the oceans, such as mercury, or plastics, as well as biotoxins associated with harmful algal blooms, and studying how these are transferred to marine animals.
The IAEA, through its Technical Cooperation programme, supports projects across the world to share expertise and develop capacity within Member States to apply nuclear techniques to help protect people and the environment as well as contribute to sustainable development and trade. The IAEA provides technical assistance with partners such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.
The Monegasque Nature Protection Association (AMPN) is the manager of the two Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of Monaco, which have been set up in 1976 and 1986.
It regularly develops monitoring and research programs. Among them are the work done on artificial reefs using a 3D printer immersed in the Larvotto MPA. These lead to the development of innovative tools to preserve or enhance biodiversity. AMPN is also at the origin of the creation of the Monaco Marine Education Area for which it plays a central role. Its expertise contributes to its success and guarantees the possibility for children to become real actors in the protection of the environment.
Beyond Plastic Med
More than 8 million tons of plastic are dumped in the sea every year. The Beyond Plastic Med initiative was launched on 10 March 2015 during an international conference in Monaco. The aim of the initiative is to support innovative, community-orientated initiatives and to become involved in political, legislative and regulatory decisions which aim to stop plastic pollution.
The AMAO (Monaco Ocean Acidification Association) was created by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. AMAO’s goal is to communicate about, encourage and facilitate international ocean acidification actions and other global marine environment stress factors.
The MedFund
The Association of Sustainable Financing of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean aims to mobilise public and private actors to promote Marine Protected Area sustainable development and management by creating a sustainable financing tool.
The trust fund is a joint initiative which was created in October 2013 by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and the French and Tunisian governments during the high-level IMPAC3 (International Marine Protected Areas Congress) session in Ajaccio.