March 22, 2022 | Catégorie
The title is a wink to the next UN Conference on the Ocean, to be held in the city of Nice in June 2025. The ambitious proposal of this work by Rémi Parmentier, a veteran ocean advocate and Director of the Varda Group, in collaboration with Guillermo Ortuño, a...
March 21, 2022 | Non classé
While several studies have highlighted the harmful impact of microplastics (0.1 μm – 5 mm) on corals and their symbiotic algae, the physiological changes induced by nanoplastic (NPs, <0.1μm) pollution are still poorly understood. These nanoplastics originate...
March 17, 2022 | Catégorie
The problem is that these issues aren’t isolated, but the efforts to tackle them are. Each country has its own approach to looking after their part of the ocean and, so far, it’s not working. We are failing our blue planet. Our Race, which is known as the toughest...
March 17, 2022 | Non classé
The study just published by the Monaco Scientific Centre identifies a new threat: the increase in sea water temperature favours the attachment of pathogenic bacteria to plastic surfaces and increases the risk of infection. The study program conducted on Vibrio...
March 17, 2022 | Non classé
A reverse listing approach whereby extraction would be the exception rather than the norm? Areas not designated as marine exploitable areas would be protected by definition. Has the time come for large fish fisheries (tuna, sword fish, sharks, marlin…) to substitute...